
For my publications, see Research page.

Here are some of my earlier writings. Some of them contain new results (at the time) and some of them are expository.


  1. Convexity and sum of squares
    Project for 6.256 Algebraic techniques and semidefinite programming, Spring 2021

  2. Relaxed Byzantine Consensus
    with Tiancheng Yu, Yuancheng Yu
    Project for 6.852 Distributed Algorithms, Fall 2020

  3. Entropy of Determinantal Point Processes
    Project for 6.881 Optimization for Machine Learning, Spring 2020


  1. Upper tail large deviations in first passage percolation
    Project for 18.177 Topics in Stochastic Processes, Fall 2018

  2. Turing degrees
    Project for 18.504 Seminar in Logic, Spring 2017

  3. Numerical criteria for ampleness and nefness
    Project for 18.726 Algebraic Geometry II, Spring 2016

  4. Rationality criteria for motivic zeta functions
    Project for 18.917 Topics in Algebraic Topology, Spring 2016

  5. Gauss maps of complete minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^3\)
    Project for 18.994 Seminar in Geometry, Fall 2015